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​The Dr. Herldleen Russell Ministries organization truly believes that the heart of God shows love to those who are less fortunate. It is in this spirit that we ask you to please join us in celebrating the projects and amazing work that have been completed through the support of friends like you.  Since 2013, this organization has completed 8 building projects totaling more than $300,000.  We've also raised funding for 19 water wells in Uganda.  We've distributed over 4000lbs of goods for children and families to include pillowcase dresses, boys and girls clothing, flip flops, shoes, school supplies, teaching materials and reusable sanitary napkins so that young women can go to school all month without embarrassment. 

We've sponsored multiple primary schools, an orphanage, a girl dormitory, a boy dormitory, a dedicated kitchen for a school & dedicated kitchen for the orphanage, latrines for male and female, and a library to promote gaining knowledge, skills and dispositions for learning and personal development that students will use throughout their lives. 

The Dr. Herldleen Russell Ministries organization is made up of several volunteers.  Therefore, all monies raised go directly toward ongoing projects and initiatives in Africa.  Our next major initiative is a Medical Center in Ibanda, Uganda. We have also recently started a program called sponsor a child at the operational Hope Center Orphanage in Ibanda, Uganda. To donate any amount toward the completion of either of the above projects or any other ongoing activity initiative serving the indigent of Uganda please use the link below.

NOTE: If there is a specific project you want to donate to, please add it's name in the 'write a note (optional)' section of the PayPal payment form.  This will ensure that your money is allocated to the project of your choice.


All checks should be made payable to Dr. Herldleen Russell Ministries and mailed to the below address:

P.O. Box 5281

Upper Marlboro, MD 20775


DHR Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.



Connecting Resources to Vision

 Contact Us: 

 P.O. Box 5281

 Upper Marlboro, MD 20775

 Phone: 1-240-682-2619


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